Host Employers
Business owners and leaders in the Building Industry can help address the skills shortage by becoming a host employer for quality apprentices and trainees. Investing in your industry helps to mold the next generation of skilled workers and build successful careers.
We need you as a Host Employer today
The highest standard of trained, competent and dedicated people
Australian apprenticeship programs are continually improving to provide employers with the highest standard of trained, competent and dedicated people who are ready and willing to work.
Traditional apprenticeship programs were once rigid training structures to deliver standard qualified employees, but the New Apprenticeship program is training the next generation to be the highest calibre of employee available to you. This includes a wider learning of skills and trades, and a program that is competency based, rather than a set time frame. There is greater scope for employer negotiation, and Nationally recognised industry qualifications upon completion.
Newcastle MBA is a registered Private employment agency and operates to provide employment opportunities for new projects, employment for out of work tradespeople and work for our ex-apprentices and trainees.
The MBA’s group scheme takes care of all the paperwork, training and finding of host employers. Host employers pay an hourly all-up rate for actual hours worked.
No Hidden Costs
We employ apprentices and trainees and then place them with you for as long as you need them. We take care of the paperwork for wages, allowances, workers compensation, superannuation etc, while you allow time off to attend any off-the-job training that may be required. All the while, we provide continual and dedicated support for both our apprentices and Host Employers.